Black Hills Wolves · Katalina Leon

Review: Portrait of a Lone Wolf (Black Hills Wolves #7) by Katalina Leon ~ Excerpt

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*Disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Review: Portrait of a Lone Wolf (Black Hills Wolves #7) by Katalina Leon ~ ExcerptPortrait of a Lone Wolf by Katalina Leon
Series: Black Hills Wolves #7
Published by Decadent Publishing on February 20, 2015
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 91
Format: eBook
Source: ARC Review Copy
Purchase Links: AmazonB&NKobo

A mixed-blood Native American wolf-shifter, abandoned by a teenage mother and ignored by an absentee father, Rio Waya has never fit in or felt worthy of love. But when he comes home to the Black Hills, he realizes he wants a mate of his own.

Recovering from a cheating ex who started a new family behind her back, Sela López seeks escape to pull her life back together. As a documentary filmmaker and wildlife photographer, she rents a cabin in the Black Hills with plans to film the beleaguered wolf population. But she’s so busy looking through a camera lens she doesn’t see trouble coming.

Sparks fly as mutual fears and vulnerabilities surface when Sela and Rio meet. She can’t figure out why the mysterious Mr. Waya is so anxious about having a documentary made of the Black Hills Wolves. But when his secret is exposed, all hell breaks loose. Can Rio win Sela’s trust and soothe her fears about allowing a hunky wolf-shifter into her heart?



~ 3.5 Portrait of a Lone Wolf Stars ~

Portrait of a Lone Wolf is book seven in the Black Hills Wolves series by Katalina Leon. I have been reading this series out of order, which is unusual for me, but each novella feels like they can be read as a stand-a-lone. KLeon is also a new to me author and I found her writing to be enjoyable. 

Sela our human comes to Los Lobos to heal and film the wolves in the area. Her character is one that is determined, stubborn, tough, and independent.

Rio our park ranger and full-blooded wolf. He tries to discourage Sela from filing, but when that doesn’t work he decides to help in an unusual way.

As for this series I might understand more about the Los Lobos wolves if I did read the series in order. Each book focuses on one couple. We don’t get to see, learn, or get much of a feel for the Los Lobos wolf pack. What we do get is a quick insta-love, where things move fast between the couple. I like Rio. He had this master plan to take things slow, but that goes up in flames when Sela sees him shift. I liked that he was/is straight forward on what he wants from her. Sela took things rather well after finding out. That first conversation was a little tense, but they got past it. The sex was sensual and sweet for this story, with both parties getting what they needed. We also get an idea of who Sela and Rio are as individuals. Very well developed characters for such a short novella. I also found it interesting to learn that the wolf shifters are derived from the Great Spirit of Waya.

The only thing that bothered me was the ultimate in their first conversation, but that did get rectified. 

All around Portrait of a Lone Wolf was a good read. If you enjoy quick insta-love reads, then this book is for you.

* Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Katalina Leon via HCBS Author Services with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

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“Medium rare.” Gee set a steaming hamburger buried beneath heaps of fries and onion rings in front of Sela.

Everything on the plate looked delicious. “Thank you. I thought I ordered this to go?”

“Stay awhile. Enjoy your food.” Gee gave Rio a sickly sweet little grin. “L.A. stood up to you. I like her.”

The crease between his brows deepened. “Gee, no one asked your opinion.”

She gingerly picked up a fistful of scorching hot fries and ferried them over to Rio’s plate.

He appeared puzzled. “Why?”

“Peace offering.” She wondered what he looked like when he smiled. “I’m sure yours are cold by now.”

Rio picked up one of the token offerings, lifting the hot french fry to his lips. He didn’t even care he was about to get burned big time. In fact, he wanted the pain. Better to take the punishment now than suffer a shitload of hurt after he did something stupid like make a play for Sela López, which absolutely, positively could not happen. To his eyes, she was knockout gorgeous with killer curves. She had plenty of sass, too. She hadn’t backed down a bit from his most withering I- just-put-you-in-your-place look.

Something else caught him off-guard—her scent. One whiff of her subtle female aroma had brought his blood to a boil.

Holy crap, what had he gotten himself into? By the tone of her e-mail inquiries about the cabin, he’d come to the false conclusion Miss López was a dried-up academic collecting data about the Los Lobos wolf population. Instead, a Latina temptress with an ass that made him want to bite his fist and whimper had shown up.


Katalina Leon

Katalina Leon is an artist and author who can’t commit to a single genre. Her favorite playgrounds are historical, Sci-fi, contemporary, and most of all paranormal realms. Katalina brings a sense of adventure and a touch of the mystical to erotic romance. She believes there’s a daring heroine inside every woman who wants to take a wild ride with a strong worthy hero.


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4 thoughts on “Review: Portrait of a Lone Wolf (Black Hills Wolves #7) by Katalina Leon ~ Excerpt

  1. Yes I agree. Nice to not have a 400pager when you can get a nice taste of how they write in a short. That’s good you got lucky they could stand-a-lone. I’m still very leery on taking requests for books in a series, unless I’ve read the others. I just have this need to enjoy the world/characters in their entirety. Though I have found out that short’s almost always stand-a-lone, so this series has worked out with picking up a book here or there.

  2. It really can be a great way to check out a new author and not commit to 400some pages. I used to be a read in order girl too. That kind of got taken out of me as I blogged and was getting requests for like book 12 in a series. Thank goodness a lot of them work as stand alones!

  3. I have always been adamant that I need to read any and all series in order, but the Black Hills Wolves I’ve found out you don’t have too, which is nice.

    I liked these two they both are dominate but also comment each other and they both say what needs to be said in stead of dancing around the issue. It was nice to experience this new to me author in such a quick little read.

    It has been my pleasure to feature Katalina. Thank you for stoping by and checking out the post, Anna!

  4. LOL I’ve been reading these out of order too. lol

    I’m looking forward to reading this one. Sela and Rio both sound great. I like that he’s straight forward. That’s always a plus for me.

    Thanks so much for featuring Katalina, Angela!

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