Beechwood Harbor Magic Mystery · Danielle Garrett · Review

Review: A Witch of a Day (Beechwood Harbor Magic Mystery #0.5) by Danielle Garrett

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Review: A Witch of a Day (Beechwood Harbor Magic Mystery #0.5) by Danielle GarrettA Witch of a Day by Danielle Garrett
Series: Beechwood Harbor Magic Mystery #0.5
on April 22, 2018
Genres: Cozy Mystery, Mystery, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 85
Format: eBook
Source: Free
Purchase Links: Amazon

Holly is having a witch of a day.

Friday the thirteenth should be a day of paranormal delight, but instead, Holly is fighting off the ghosts from her past; the kind that can't be exorcised.

When a strange, hooded figure approaches her with an unthinkable task, Holly is forced to walk the line between light and dark magic, where one wrong step could ruin everything.


A Witch of a Day is the prequel novella to the Beechwood Harbor Magic Mysteries Series by Danielle Garrett. Meet Holly and uncover the secrets on her road to Beechwood Harbor.


Note: This title was only available as a free gift when you signed up for the authors newsletter. May 2018: Now you can purchase the prequel.

A Witch of a Day is the prequel to the Beechwood Harbor Magic Mystery series by Danielle Garrett.

In Murder’s a Witch I was wondering why Holly was banished and here we get those questions answered. It’s the backstory on why her name has been ruined and no one trusts her. 

To sum it all up it comes down to her ex boyfriend and the bad things he got himself into. Of course since they where dating at the time when everything went down. It dragged her down, along with her name. She just can’t get away from her ex and all the bad press. 

In A Witch of a Day things happen again and she has to move out of the Havens altogether where she ends up at Beechwood Harbor, a halfway house for supernaturals.

I enjoyed getting the backstory on Holly and having some of my questions answered. You don’t have to read this prequel to read the series, but it does give some clarification on her situation; since that didn’t seam to be explained in, In Murder’s a Witch

Rated: 3 Stars

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About Danielle Garrett

As a lifelong bookworm, Danielle Garrett has always loved dreaming of fantastic places and the stories they have to share. Through her love of reading, she’s followed along on hundreds of adventures through the eyes of wizards, princesses, elves, and some rather wonderful everyday people as well. This lifelong passion led her into the world of writing and she has now achieved the dream she’s held since the second grade and become an author herself.

Danielle lives in Oregon, and while she travels as often as possible, she wouldn’t call anywhere else home. She shares her life with her husband and their house full of animals.

4 thoughts on “Review: A Witch of a Day (Beechwood Harbor Magic Mystery #0.5) by Danielle Garrett

    1. It was nice to get the backstory on Holly. I kept wondering about it in book one, so this helped. I’m curious to see where the series goes and I liked the Cozy Mystery that happened in Murder’s a Witch (book 1).

    1. It was a fun cozy mystery. I liked finding out about Holly’s past. It’s not explained in book one though it’s sorta talked about, she thinks about it a few times. I also enjoyed book one.

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