Milly Taiden · Paranormal Dating Agency · Review

ARC Review: Geek Bearing Gifts (Paranormal Dating Agency #2) by Milly Taiden ~ #Excerpt

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*Disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

ARC Review: Geek Bearing Gifts (Paranormal Dating Agency #2) by Milly Taiden ~ #ExcerptGeek Bearing Gifts by Milly Taiden
Series: Paranormal Dating Agency #2
Published by Latin Goddess Press on September 9, 2014
Genres: Erotic Romance, Paranormal Romance
Pages: 114
Format: eBook
Source: ARC Review Copy, Bought
Purchase Links: AmazonB&

Nita Islas wants to find love. She's tired of the superficial relationships and is ready to give true romance a try. She uses the Paranormal Dating Agency and hopes they can help her where all others have failed. What she didn't expect was to find her date flat on his back in nothing more than a towel.

Ky Stone has been in love with curvy and funny Nita since they were in High School. When she moved away, she took his heart with her. Then one day Ky wakes up to find her leaning over him. He's sure he's died and gone to heaven. He has no idea what she's doing there, but he's sure as hell not letting her leave.

Fate, meddling family and the PDA have brought them together again. The chemistry between them is explosive. But there's problems with Ky's neighboring clan and he's keeping secrets from Nita. He needs to find a way to open up to her or lies and unexpected danger could tear them apart... forever.


– 4 Bearing Gift Stars –

ARC Geek Bearing Gifts

This review is going to be short and sweet just like Geek Bearing Gifts. I can always rely on Milly Taiden to write a fun, quick, sweet and sexy romance. Sometimes we need a nice short sweet romance, with fun characters, before diving back into a big read.

Geek Bearing Gifts is book two in the Paranormal Dating Agency by Milly Taiden. We get humor, fun characters, romance and steamy sex. I devoured this book in no time and can’t wait for the next installment. 

The characters where great, they have real life problems that just suck you in and the interactions between the leads and the secondary character was hilarious. Gerri is her usual blunt self, trying to get her match making business of the ground. I love how blunt she is with her clients. Some of the lines had me laughing and smiling. Nita was easy to relate too and then we have Ky the sexy bear shifter that has know since he was a teen that Nita is his mate. Both these characters have a past history, but only Ky knows that Nita is his Nita. They both had some insecurities that they have overcome to be the people they are now as adults. The plot/conflict is not overly complicated, the romance is fast-paced, the sex is hot, wet and oh boy the dirty talk (these are all the things I like about reading Ms. Taiden’s books)

Geek Bearing Gifts has just the right amount of romance and sex. I enjoyed the story and am very much looking forward to the next book in this series. 

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy free of charge from the author with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

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“Let’s get down to business. What are you looking for? A hookup? Two men? Marriage, babies and picket fence? Are you looking for a man to do some naughty things to you while you’re tied up?”

“Mrs. Wilder!” She gasped. Damn, she hadn’t expected that. All that internal brooding had made her forget Mrs. Wilder could ask some off-the-wall questions. Tally had told her that Mrs. Wilder was not the usual elderly woman, but geez.

“I don’t have all day, you know. I need my beauty sleep,” Mrs. Wilder said. With her new flipped bob and perfect makeup on her wrinkleless features, she was hot for whatever her age was. Mrs. Wilder followed up her words with a smile and picked up her coffee. “You strike me as a woman who knows what she wants.”

Nita thought about that for a moment, panic rising in her chest. She did know what she wanted, usually. The best relationship she’d ever had with the opposite sex hadn’t been sexual. It had been open. Honest. Trusting. Did that make her a freak?

“I want a man to want me for me.” Hearing the words come out of her mouth made her wince.


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Hi! I’m Milly (AKA April Angel) I love to write sexy stories. They’re usually either paranormal or contemporary with a large dose of heat. My paranormal stories can be anything from wolf-shifters (my favorites) to witches, demons and anything in between. I was born the prettiest part of the Caribbean known as the Dominican Republic. Currently, I live in New York City with my hubby, the bossy kiddo and our little dog “Needy Speedy”. Don’t ask.
When I’m not working some really long hours at the day job, or hanging out in the awful life-sucking invention known as Facebook, messaging my bestie in the UK or shopping with my sis Julie, then I can be found watching scary movies. Buuut when I’m not doing that, I’m usually writing because the voices won’t shut up.
I am addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn’t, right?) and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.
Come by and visit me! I love to meet new readers!

About Milly Taiden

Milly Taiden (also writes as April Angel) was born in the prettiest part of the Caribbean (to her) known as the Dominican Republic. Currently, she resides in New York City with her husband, bossy young son and their little dog Speedy.

When she’s not working full-time, texting with her best friend Heidi in England, chastising her son for pulling the dog’s ears, shopping with her sister Jewel or watching scary movies with her husband, she can be found writing on her laptop.

2 thoughts on “ARC Review: Geek Bearing Gifts (Paranormal Dating Agency #2) by Milly Taiden ~ #Excerpt

  1. You know I did read this one and book one, I have not reviewed them yet, not sure what I am waiting on. This one ended kind of fast like blink fast. But oh well sometimes it be like that! Not mad I bought it though got it for 99 cents and I would have wondered what happened to her so sometimes you have to appease that curiosity.

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