Highland Weddings · Mary Wine · Review

Review: Highland Spitfire (Highland Weddings #1) by Mary Wine

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Review: Highland Spitfire (Highland Weddings #1) by Mary WineHighland Spitfire by Mary Wine
Series: Highland Weddings #1
Published by Sourcebooks Casablanca on February 2, 2016
Genres: Historical Romance, Medieval Romance
Pages: 315
Format: Paperback
Source: Library
Purchase Links: AmazonB&NKoboChirpAudiobooks.com

When passion flares between two enemies from fighting clans...the Highlands ignite!

Two hotheaded Highlanders, the offspring of feuding lairds, are tricked by the King's Regent into a desperate choice: marry or die. Bhaic MacPherson is more disposed to lead his clan into battle than stay married to the daughter of his enemy. But perhaps the intensity of his feelings has more to do with desire than hostility.

Ailis Robertson wanted a husband, not a savage—but when her family was faced with a deadly ultimatum, she had no choice. How can she fight her fate when the union of a MacPherson and a Robertson could end three generations of hostilities between the two families? Perhaps bitter rivals can become something more when they start to recognize that they're not so different after all...


Highland Spitfire is book one in the Highland Weddings series by Mary Wine.

I don’t usually go for Historical Romances. My main issue is the way women are used or treated back then. They where used to secure alliance, peace, etc.. It’s hard for me to believe in the romance. As for Highland Spitfire, well I picked this up; because the cover is eye catching and the blurb made it sound intrigue, so I thought lets give it a go.

This one is enemies to lovers. The hero and heroine are forced to wed in order to secure peace; between the Robertson and MacPherson clans. The way this story starts guarantees a hostile situation; between our couple and their clans.

I have to admire Ailis courage to agree to wed her enemy and to see that this is what both clans need. I liked her. She had many challenges to over come. One is being forced into her enemy’s territory and having everyone look at her with suspicion and misgivings.

As for Bhaic he is the embodiment of a sexy Highlander. I found his discerption to my liking, but he lacked empathy towards his new wife, Ailis. He doesn’t help her out, doesn’t easy her transition nor does he make her feel at home. He literally lets his brother, Marcus, take over her care and well he humiliates her, treats her like a spy, and disregards her feelings. It was hard to read and I wanted to kick both men.

I really liked the introduction to Helen, the friend that Ailis makes. They are both hostages in enemy territory, so they have things in common and they help each other out. Helen has spunk and I can’t wait to read her story. Some of the other secondary characters where nice to meet too.

As I pointed out at the beginning of my review; it’s hard for me to fall for the romance in historical’s. As for the romance between Ailis and Bhaic it was ok. It didn’t roll off the pages. It felt forced at times and their interactions where hot and cold. They would be arguing and then they’d have a warm moment where you think things are turning around, but then the next moment they are back to arguing. Eh!

All around I did have a delightful time reading Highland Spitfire. I didn’t hate nor love it, but I still enjoyed it and I’m actually curious to read on in the Highland Weddings series.

Rated: 3 Stars

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4 thoughts on “Review: Highland Spitfire (Highland Weddings #1) by Mary Wine

  1. Well you know I love me some historical romance and I liked this one but didn’t necessarily love it. Although I think highlander romance is your ticket!! Most highlanders even in medieval times respected strenth in women and respected them.

    1. This first book was a typical first in a series where I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it either. I’ve read books 2 and 3 and really enjoyed those. The women to have strength and I like that. My main thing with HR is how women are treated as cattle and not always respected. I will say Wine has done a great job with this series at least with the ones I’ve read especially since HR is not my typical genre to pick up. Thank’s for visiting.

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