Helen Harper · Review · The Lazy Girls Guide To Magic

Review: Slouch Witch (The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Magic #1) by Helen Harper

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Review: Slouch Witch (The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Magic #1) by Helen HarperSlouch Witch by Helen Harper
Series: The Lazy Girl's Guide to Magic #1
on June 8, 2017
Genres: Mystery, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 342
Format: eBook
Source: Gift
Purchase Links: AmazonB&NKoboChirp

To make one thing clear: Ivy Wilde is not a heroine.

Actually, she is the very last witch in the world to be called if you need magical support. If it were up to Ivy herself, she would like to hang out on the couch all day, watch series, munch junk food and have arguments with her cat. But due to a bureaucratic mistake, Ivy becomes a victim of a reversed identity and involuntarily - very, very involuntarily! - hurled right into the Arcane Branch, the investigative agency of the Holy Order of Magical Enlightenment.

Ivy's problems quickly quadruple when a valuable object was stolen and she was forced to work with Adeptus Exemptus Raphael Winter. Raphael's sapphire-blue eyes somehow make butterflies flutter in Ivy's stomach, but the adeptus actually shows everything that Ivy deeply rejects: the joyless pitfalls of too much stoic witchcraft. And the longer Raphael Ivy sucks, the greater your desire ... to turn him into a frog!


It was too much effort to continually plead my innocence when the world thought otherwise. People believed what they wanted to. Whatever. It was their problem; not mine. – 25% Slouch Witch


Slouch Witch is book one in The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Magic by Helen Harper.

OMG I had a blast with this novel. It was so much fun! The title and blurb peeked my interest and had me curious about a lazy witch. 

Slouch Witch is a light, amusing, and enchanting tale. This novel introduces us to a fun paranormal world where witches and magic have been a part of regular society. Tho those witches tend to stay to themselves and are slotted into careers based on how much magical abilities they have. 

Ivy might be a witch and she might take the easy way in life, but she’s no slouch when it comes to magic. She’s actually quite brilliant, but just gets bored easily. She is a pariah among her Oxford witch-crowd due to something that happened in her past. She doesn’t let this put her down. 

This reads like an Urban Fantasy Cozy Mystery. I loved how Ivy is roped back into the crowd that spurned her. The world is great and we get plenty of quirky characters to enjoy. The humor is light and the case that Ivy and Winter need to solve is engaging and amusing. The case wraps up nicely, Winter and Ivy are amicable yet a bit of regret in their separation, and we are left with a little note of to be continued. 

Slouch Witch was a nice start to the series. I can’t wait to pick up the next novel and find out what might be in-store for Ivy. The mystery was a delight and the characters were entertaining. 

Rated: 4 Stars

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10 thoughts on “Review: Slouch Witch (The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Magic #1) by Helen Harper

  1. So glad you loved this one, too. It was one I got to review on audio and I laughed out loud a few times. I enjoyed the mystery and paranormal elements and the pair of investigators so much.

    1. I caught your audio review. It sounds like it would be fun in audio. I had a blast reading it. I even finished the series. It’s a fun series to read.

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