Miranda Martin · Red Planet Jungle · Review

Mini Review: Allie’s Match (Red Planet Jungle #9) by Miranda Martin

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Mini Review: Allie’s Match (Red Planet Jungle #9) by Miranda MartinAllie's Match by Miranda Martin
Series: Red Planet Jungle #9
on February 7, 2023
Genres: Novella, Science Fiction Romance
Pages: 81
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Purchase Links: Amazon


I know Balan is 'the one' the instant we meet. It's hard to miss my breath catching in my throat, my heart galloping out of my chest, and my stomach deciding it's a gymnast. It's either love at first sight, or maybe I'm just dying.

That's what it feels like when the new chisel featured Zmaj with a panty melting physique shows up and proceeds to completely ignore me.

I thought these alien warrior hunks knew their treasure at first sight, so why is Balan avoiding me? How am I supposed to find my happy-ever-after if he can’t even stand being in the same room as me?


I gave all that I am, all that I have, my entire life to the Order. Rescuing my brother Velyk when he escaped happened so quickly, I had no time to realize the implications. I, too, am now an Outcast. Betrayer. Oathbreaker.

My hasty decision is made even worse when the dragon I have spent my life trying to master breaks free of all restraints and claims the tiny, enticing human female named Allie.

I cannot be near her. She is temptation. A traitor like me is unworthy of being a female's mate. She deserves more than me, but resisting her is the hardest thing I have ever done.

Fated mates? Check! Instalust/love? Check! A smart and sassy heroine and an honor bound alpha male who can’t resist her? Double check! You're going to love Miranda Martin's Allie’s Match - Red Planet Jungle #9.



Allie’s Match is book nine in the Red Planet Jungle sereis by Miranda Martin.

We have Allie and Balan who escaped the Order in the previous story. Balan is an outcast from the Order and is struggling with his beliefs and not prepared to accept a fated mate. Allie felt that instant connection with Balan, but struggles to understand why he avoids her.

Balan goes on a mission, but doesn’t return and Allie sets out to find her scaled alien dragon. It’s a very hot and steamy read. Another quick read. Insta attraction and I enjoyed it. Looking forward to finishing the series.

Rated: 3 Stars

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About Miranda Martin

USA Today bestselling author Miranda Martin writes fantasy and scifi romance featuring heroes with out-of-this-world anatomy that readers call ‘larger than life’ and smart heroines destined to save the world. As a little girl, she would sneak off with her nose in a book, dreaming of magical realms. Today she brings those fantasies to life and adores every fan who chooses to live in them for a while.

Though born and raised in southern Virginia, Miranda Martin is a veteran who’s traveled to places like Korea, Hawaii, and good ‘ole Texas. She’s since settled in Kansas, the heart of America, with her husband and daughters, a cat, and wishes for a pet dragon or unicorn. When she’s not writing, you can still find her tucked away somewhere with a warm blanket and her nose in a book.

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